MP & Councillors
Our Member of Parliament: Stephen Hammond stephen.hammond.mp@parliament.uk
Our Hillside Ward Councillors:
Councillor Daniel Holden – daniel.holden@merton.gov.uk
Councillor Susie Hicks – susie.hicks@merton.gov.uk
Merton Council
Merton Council: www.merton.gov.uk or 020 8274 4901
If you have a problem with flooding and especially if this includes sewage contact Thames Water on their 24 hour service: 0800 316 9800
The police have a small but dedicated team to police our area. They also take an active role in the meetings of the Safer Neighbourhoods Panel where panel participants discuss local crime and prevention. The Panel includes members of the dedicated police team, representatives of local residents’ associations (including WEHRA), the Commons Rangers, a school head and a local publican.
The Police contact details are as follows:-
EMERGENCY: Phone 999
Hillside Safer Neighbourhoods Team:
ANTI TERRORISM HOTLINE: Phone 0800 789 321
CRIMESTOPPERS: Phone 0800 555 111 or visit Crimestoppers
Tree Wardens: visit Merton Council’s site
Rubbish collection and recycling days
Controlled Parking Zones
WEHRA is covered by two Controlled Parking Zones both of which are operational between the hours of 8.30am – 6.30pm, Monday – Saturday.
Power Cuts
To report a power outage, CALL 105 which will put you through to your local supplier.
If the outage appears to be affecting other homes then the more people who call in, the quicker it is dealt with – so don’t just rely on other people to ring in.
Once you have reported the outage, then make sure you switch off any items such as irons, electric heaters etc. which could cause problems if they are reconnected when you are not there!